Tuesday, July 22, 2014


I'm just a little behind in posting this but I wanted to update everyone who might not know on some of the doll lines that have been discontinued in 2014.

1. Cutie Pops 
I really enjoyed these dolls with their cute personalities.

2. La Dee Da
I was really looking forward to the second wave of Juicy Crush dolls and I really like the themes that this line had. The Fairy Tale Dance and Art Show dolls were among some of the most well thought out in the play doll market.

3. Pinkie Cooper
I really liked the Pinkie Cooper line and thought they were very unique. I like how the ears were reversible so you had two  colors of hair to choose from and they had cute faces. 

4. Kawaii Crush
These dolls were cute with their animal themed hats and accessories. 

*5. Bratz
*These are suppose to return in 2015 according to the press releases.

I miss seeing all these lines on the store shelves, they each had something special to offer.

Do you know of any other lines that were discontinued this year?

Which line will you miss the most?

American Girls Cecile & Ruthie Sold Out

According to AmericanGirl.com Cecile and Ruthie are officially Sold Out. Cecile's bed, Marie Grace's dog and most of Marie Grace's outfits are also Sold Out. Of the four being discontinued this year only Marie Grave remains but probably not for much longer. 

Friday, July 4, 2014

Legacy Day Wave 2

As I was browsing on target.com I noticed that there is a second wave of Ever After High Legacy Day dolls. I am really excited for these because I think they are more detailed than the first wave and I love all three characters featured. The second wave will feature Maddie Hatter, Cerise Hood, and Ashlynn Ella wearing their outfits from Legacy Day. 

What do you think of the soon to be released dolls? Who do you like best?